Friday, April 29, 2011

J.K. Rowling

wrote harry potter like a G, she really knows how to take simple words and form amazing complex stories with them that are so descriptive and imaginative it almost feels like you are watching a movie in your head as you read her books. She is by far my favorite author and she is richer than the queen of england for a reason.

Original Passage:

The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay
over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Cars that were usually gleaming stood
dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing -
for the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought. Deprived of their usual carwashing
and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated into the
shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent
breeze. The only person left outdoors was a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in
a flowerbed outside number four.

can you see how she uses her vocabulary to just constantly paint pictures in your head? it is unreal! fasho.

'Dudders out for tea?'
'At the Polkisses',' said Aunt Petunia fondly. 'He's got so many little friends, he's so
Harry suppressed a snort with difficulty. The Dursleys really were astonishingly stupid
about their son, Dudley. They had swallowed all his dim-witted lies about having tea with
a different member of his gang every night of the summer holidays. Harry knew perfectly
well that Dudley had not been to tea anywhere; he and his gang spent every evening
vandalising the play park, smoking on street corners and throwing stones at passing cars
and children. Harry had seen them at it during his evening walks around Little Whinging;
he had spent most of the holidays wandering the streets, scavenging newspapers from
bins along the way.

the perspective that she writes from is incredible, she makes it third person but still so you can only see the story from harry's point of view, this has definitely helped her be one of the greatest children authors of all time. even the way she uses dialogue and then follows it up with harrys thoughts even though its not a first person story just amazes me, i wish i could be more like her in my writing

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