Tuesday, May 24, 2011


perspective is a mental view or outlook. everything that makes you feel any kind of emotion is based on your perspective on things.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

people that no one like.

there are many different types of people, most of them get along just fine but their are always exceptions. Some people can't get along with anyone, and if they appear to get along with someone it is only because they are being two faced and they will turn around and screw that person over behind their back. These people are usually way too overweight with short hair and you cant really tell where their curves are because of all the blubber and unnecessary human space being used. They try and break up relationships, they are annoying, they are mean, and they are huuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeee *******, for example: okay so I was just hanging out in a hallway during lunch, and the biggest one of these types of people i have ever met talks to me and tells me that she is trying to break up my friend and his girlfriend, because he is mean to her? lolwut, this kid spends all day at work and with her and is like way to nice. I immediately knew after she told me this that she is one of those people i explained earlier and i preceded to tell my friend this horrible news immediately, he got pretty pissed because he already knew about people like that and he was disgusted because that cow thought she had any business in someone else's relationship when neither of the people in that relationship are even friends with her. The outcome of this was the situation got out of hand but he quickly put her in her place and she knows to stay in her own business now :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

J.K. Rowling Imatation

As harry sat in his least favorite relatives house, the dursley's, he could not help but feel alone and abandoned by his friends from school. Harry potter was no ordinary boy of 15. In fact, he was just about everything the could possibly hate put into one human being. he absolutely despised being there and he wanted nothing more than to go to his friend Ron weasely's house for the summer. Ron, being a wizard of poor stature, lived in a house commonly known to people as the Burrow. Everyone knew that the weasely's were pretty much the poorest family around.